Saturday, November 19, 2011

Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights (Official Movie)

There is a satanic One World Order AntiChrist System coming into place in the very near future. The first order of business on their agenda is to break down the family structure. They have done a great job at doing this so far. Nearly one in every two marriages end in divorce. Same sex marriages are being legalized all over the country. The traditional family structure is going by the way side. This video will shock you when you see how far they will go.

We must protect our family and our children. There are suggestions of what we can do at the end of the video. One thing they failed to mention is that we can turn back to God. America, we need to repent of our sins against God. Sins such as abortion, homosexuality, murders, rapes, lying, adultery, and so much more. We need to ask God's forgiveness and turn away from our sins. Once we do this, then God can work in America again. We can be under His protection once again. He can bless this nation again. If we refuse, and are a stiff-necked people, we are on our own. And things will only get worse. You decide.

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