
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Satan's Lies the Church Buys - Part III - Apostate Pastors & Doctrine

"...For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers,
having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears
from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
2 Tim. 4:3-4

This is Part III of Satan's Lies the Church Buys. These posts are my efforts in exposing heretical pastors to Christians who are being taken in by their blasphemous lies and deceptions. I have also included churches with heretical doctrines in this part. Please heed the warnings, but research it with your Bibles. Don't believe anyone except God.

I know one of the hardest things in life for us to except is change. I know first hand how it feels. Right now I'm going through a big chance in my spiritual walk. A way I never learned in the Christian church. I'm learning from the Hebraic Roots Movement, and it is quite different from the teachings I received from the Christian church. I am practically re-learning God's Word. Why? Because Satan has crept into the churches, and bringing with him heretical teachings that the pastors are passing to the sheep. These were the doctrines I was taught, just like you. Although I have to admit, I was not comfortable with a lot of the teachings I received. Something in my spirit just didn't sit right. I'm sure now it was the Holy Spirit prompting me. When I would research different doctrines, what the pastors taught just didn't line up with scripture. I haven't set foot in a Christian church in two years now. But, I'm sure if I lived in a bigger town, or even near one, I could probably find a church that has the truth. So, don't leave let me influence you in leaving your church.

My next post I'll be exposing the number of lies, and what they are, that the sheep are being taught by the sheapards. With scripture, I'll show you why they are lies.

I know we can get set in our ways, but we need to have a teachable spirit. Especially where the Word of God is concerned. The devil roams around like a roaring lion to see who he can devour, is what Yeshua warns us. But, one thing I noticed with the Lord is you can get deeper, and deeper into His teachings. So, we always need to make room for change while walking with the Lord.

This post will be the last on the preachers and churches with heretical teachings. I hope I have helped in some way. If you have any questions, or just like to respond to what I have to say here, please don't hesitate to email me.

Please see my blog list, to the right on this page, for more posts on this subject.

Rob Bell Exposed

I'm just not sure how anyone who knows the scriptures, like Pastors are suppose to, can get caught up in this guys teachings. He's quite obvious.

The host of this next video, Martin Bashir, is EXCELLENT at getting to the truth of Rob Bell. Cudos to a secular man. If a secular person can see his heresy, why can't Christians!?

MSNBC Host Makes Rob Bell Squirm: "You're Amending The Gospel So That It's Palatable!"


Rob Bell's Heresy Summed by Wretched
Todd Friel examines Rob Bell on Wretched & sums up his heresy

Rob Bell References Luther to Support Universalism

Pastors being Fired Agreeing with Rob Bell

Rob Bell Examined on Wretched

The Blood-Drained Gospel of Rob Bell
If you drain the blood out of the church, all you are left with is a corpse.

John MacArthur talks about Rob Bell and the authority of scripture

Other Preachers Exposed

The next preachers I grouped together. There is much more information out there. All you have to do is google it. I got way too many as it is. I don't want your computers crashing. But, I ran into these ones and thought that I would put them here for your convenience.

Jimmy Swaggart - False Doctrines - False teachings Susan Puzio
Mon, Oct 17, 2011

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and the false teachings that are hurting the body of Christ. What is wrong with his message of the Cross? Has it replaced Jesus? Why did his Grandson's wife flash an Antichrist hand signal?

Today our guests are Pastor John Murray of Tree of Life Christian Fellowship
Bruce Hallman -
Karen Pansler Lam of "The Liberty Advocate" website -
Join us as we discuss the false doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart. Hoping Jimmy will repent, he can do so for the body of Christ!

Listen to internet radio with Prophecy Zone Radio on Blog Talk Radio

2 Peter 2:1 warns us that in the time of Israel and Judah, there were false prophets among the people who were leading them astray. As you know both Judah and Israel went into captivity because of their acceptance of false teachings which lead to the worshipping of other gods. The same caliber of false prophets are in the churches today causing the Christians to go astray in their beliefs.

TD Jakes Eddie Long heresy

T D Jakes and Eddie Long heresy. False teachers masquerading as gospel preachers.

Paul Washer on Joel Olsteen, Benny Hinn, and Maybe A Preacher near You!

Special thanks to end-time prophecy, dream, vision for this video just awesome and true!

Benny Hinn admits an inappropriate relationship with Paula White

Benny Hinn is being sued by Stephen Strang of Charisma magazine for an inappropriate relationship with Paula White as Benny has violated the morality clause in his contract with the publishing arm of Charisma,. Benny Hinn admitted to Strang his behavior was "inappropriate' and must re-pay the $250,000 advance that he received for the book Blood in the Sand. He is being sued for his failure to return the money.

Benny Hinn (click on the link for the audio page to pop up)
(Benny Hinn, TBN)

Doesn't the bible not say Noah found GRACE in God's sight?

False Prophet: Kim Clement Exposed

Dark Secrets of Kim Clement

The Dark Secrets from Kim Clement's book, "CALL ME CRAZY but I'm hearing God."

Rom 5:12 
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned"

A short look into the psychic world of Kim Clement.

Quotes in the video can be found on pages, 40, 60, 61, 103, and 119 of 'CALL ME CRAZY'
The book contains 203 pages, I have only quoted from 5 pages for this short video.

Churches Exposed

What is the Emerging Church?
This is the first excerpt from Eric Barger's DVD "The Errors of the Emergent Church." For more

Emerging Dangers of the Emergent Church
Pastor Bob warns us of the emerging church, which really is diverging Christians from the truth of God's Word.

Blasphemous Teachings of the 'Emergent Church"
Here are some warning signs for you to look for if your church is doing any of these things. If you are, run from that church.

Is Your Church Emergent, New Age, or Christian? with Eric Barger (Introduction)
Recorded live at Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times 2009" Conference. Eric Barger defines "New Age" and "Emergent" as he begins the message titled "Is Your Church Emergent, New Age or Christian?" (Oct 10, 2009)

10 Signs You May Have Just Entered an Emergent Church
Here are 10 signs that you may have just entered the postmodern zone.

The Word-Faith Movement (Part I)
The fastest growing segment of professing Christianity today is the Word-Faith Movement, also known as the Positive Confession or simply "Faith" movement. 

Its growth is at least partially due to the massive amounts of money the leaders are able to extract from the faithful.

 In this video, you will see some of them in action.

The Word-Faith Movement (Part II)
As one might guess, the teachings of the Faith movement are very attractive to some. 

If we can produce whatever our hearts desire by simply demanding what we want by faith, if we can manipulate the universe and perhaps even God, then we have our own personal genie just waiting to fulfill our wishes. 

However, is that what the Bible teaches, or have men come up with their own doctrines?

The Word-Faith Movement (Part III)
Nothing will create more euphoria in the average person than the promise to make them wealthy, and this the Word-Faith leadership knows very well. 

The Word-Faith teacher's lifestyle is clearly identified by opulence, luxury, riches, and the assurance that all of this can be his followers as well - if only they apply certain principles. 

Some in this video have reformed their ways, and some have not!

Bible vs. Heretic

Christian Evangelists exposed by secularists.
I thought the best way to end this is with some laughter. Actually, it's kind of sad and funny. It's sad because these secular guys can see right through these false preachers, but Christians can't. If they could, these guys wouldn't be so rich with the sheep's money.

A needful documentary exposing the false religious leaders of the TV world; last day filthy lucre; false ideas of Godhood; false ideas of prosperity; false healing and more. 

They promise health, wealth, and prosperity in exchange for your donations; but in reality, televangelists become filthy rich, while the people who support them remain poor, sick, and misfortunate! God is against those TV preachers!

Please see my blog list, to the right on this page, for more posts on this subject.

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