Saturday, November 26, 2011

What it means to be a Torah Observant Messianic in The Hebraic Roots Movement

Below are some radio programs I found that describe the Hebraic Roots Movement very throughly. They discuss the controversy and really what it's all about. Personally, I believe this is a great move of God. He is calling His people to come out of her. "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities'" (Revelation 18:4,5). He is talking about the Babylonian system. The name Babylon means confusion and originates from the confusion of languages which halted the building of the tower of Babel. There is a wonderful teaching at this site in order for you to learn more on the Babylonian system. You can get a deeper understanding there.

I'm not saying the Christian churches or faith is the Babylonian system the Bible is talking about. But I feel it is awfully close. Let's take a look. There are how many different denominations? All saying they are the only true path to God. How many different doctrines in each? Each claiming to be right and the others wrong. There are how many different Bible versions? I don't know how many times I would get a teaching in church, and when I would search the scriptures the meaning was completely different then what I had been taught. This sounds like confusion to me. I have felt I was being misdirected by the Christian doctrine. I have left two churches and haven't found one that I found to be scripturally sound yet. Until now.

Torah teaching gets into the meaning of the Hebrew words, and takes the blinders off. Hebrew is what the Bible was written in. Since I have been learning from this way of study, my Bible is filled with crossed out words (some being replaced, some being completely taken out), deep meanings of other words that I never heard before, whole passages with different meanings then the footnotes of my Bible say. And the teachers show proof. That's the most important thing. The proof. Because I'm not familiar with Hebrew, and the teachers know this, they always take the time to show you how they came to their findings. That's the most exciting part. Unlike the Christian faith where they will come up with doctrine that doesn't even make sense.

I will have on this blog a page that I believe are all the lies the Christian faith believes. Doctrines the church is teaching. Doctrines that aren't even in the Word of God. But by taking a piece of scripture here and a piece of scripture there, and ignoring the rest, they put together a pretty good sounding teaching that the sheep will buy. Until you look into the scriptures yourself that is. But don't bring that up to their attention. Oh no! You will be so wrong.

Well, I'm going to stop here because I know there are many Pastors and congregations that are being deceived themselves. The reason they are in the churches is because they love the Lord, and want to learn His ways. They want to serve and please Him as much as I do. Most of them anyway. Hopefully that is where there heart is. So, I don't want to start sounding cynical. There are some who are being deceived. And God will show them the way. The same way He is showing me and others.

I hope these series of radio interviews below will help you to understand the Hebraic Roots Movement a little better. Any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

These shows can be found at

Interview with Paul Nison of Torah Life Ministries
Jan. 13, 2011
Christopher and Paul discuss what it means to be a Torah Observant Messianic, as well as a Torah observant diet, The name Yahshua, why Torah and the New Testament are equally important, the Shabbat, and they also discuss Torah Life Ministries.

Paul Nison's Links
Author/Speaker and Raw Food Gourmet Chef - Oficial website of Author - Health E-store for all your health needs
www. - Ministry site about health and the Scriptures - Paul's Podomatic Page

Paul's Social Network Links

Messianic Testament: Why Saturday Sabbath
Christopher discusses why Messianics celebrate Shabbat on Saturday and why it is the true Sabbath.

What is Messianic Judaism?
(Do We Seek Salvation Through The Law? Are We A Cult? Are We Unbiblical?)
Christopher address the attacks from Xtian Radio hosts, about his faith and starts at square one as to what his faith is really all about.

Paul Revere interviews Jim Staley from Passion for Truth Ministries. Jim Staley is one of my favorite Torah Teachers, and I will have some of his teachings here on my blog.

Interview JJ Roxx and I Did On The New Oye In Town with Jim Staley of Passion for Truth Ministries

1 comment:

  1. Marianne, Jim Morgan from To Torah or Not To Torah linked me to your blog post, and I wanna thank you for posting the old recordings from my previous shows, and i wanted to let you know the spruz link is no more. We have moved everything (podcasts included) to and my old show "The New Oye In Town" is now Schtix and Stones, and we go live every Monday and Friday on the streaming radio player there and we take call ins then we archive them in the podcast page for Schtix and Stones over there at Nazarene Media. This Monday JJ Roxx and I have a huge show which we are encouraging Christians to come and listen to, where we discuss the Two Messiahs (Yeshua/Jesus) and which one is the fraud. It will be a live call in show on Nazarene Media and we hope you can make it. And thank you again for posting our archived shows I did not even know where still there on podomatic :). Shalom to you, and Yah bless ya
