
Saturday, June 23, 2012


written by C.K. Quarterman

I truly enjoyed this book. A lot of great information. As Christians, we need to heed the warning. C.K. Quarterman knows what he is talking about, and this is definitely a subject that needs to be talked about in Christian circles. 

Christians need to spiritually wake up, and C.K.'s book will help you do that. Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against these fallen angels. We need to learn all we can so we are not ignorant of the devil's wiles. 

As C.K. points out in his book, fallen angels are indistinguishable from normal people, so we need to do our homework. This book will help with our homework. 

Every Christian should have this in their weapons arsenal, and the price is right, as well. It's very affordable. This book is also written in a very easy-to-read style, and can even be read in one sitting (if you're like me, and can't put a good book down until I finish it through). 

Thank you C.K., I enjoyed reading "Fallen Angels", and I certainly appreciate your insight in this subject. Below are radio interviews C.K. Quarterman has done. You can purchase his book, "Fallen Angels" at I suggest everyone get it.

The Edge AM with Daniel Ott
June 16, 2012

CK Quarterman will join Daniel  to discuss why fallen angels, UFOs and giants are shrouded in mystery and belong to the age of pyramids and other great wonders of the world. Or do they? Strange as this may seem, the Lord declares that this conspiracy of evil is to be repeated before His return. That’s why author CK Quarterman believes it’s crucial for us to understand these evils because he says storm is gathering and we must not approach this coming apocalypse unaware and unarmed. Quarterman, once a respected authority on business ownership and franchising, had an unearthly encounter on an evening walk in North Carolina that changed his life forever. He came face-to-face with what Quarterman describes as a nephilim, hybrids fathered by fallen angels. This experience with a half man, half dog caused him to turn his devotion to studying End Times and the fascinating topics of fallen angels, giants and UFOs, which he writes about in his new book, Fallen Angels: Giants, UFO Encounters and The New World Order.

God vs. Lucifer - Fallen Angels, Nephilim and the Sons of God 
Uploaded by trunewsdotcom on Feb 13, 2012

Author CK Quarterman gives a very clear message that there is an unseen battle going on between God and Lucifer, and also explains how Lucifer and the fallen angels have affected humanity and warns that they are still among us. Also discussed are the meanings of "sons of God" and "Nephilim."

Also check out for more shows on giants, nephilim, the days of noah, and end time prophecies.

MP3 Download:
Download the daily radio show free at:
You may also find select podcasts of the show available at,, itunes and through an Internet search.
Audio used with permission. Rick Wiles encourages the free non-profit distribution of his news shows in their full entirety for ministerial, informational and educational purposes.

*If you find this information interesting, you me also like:

The Fourth Turning

America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny
America's Future

Other broadcasts also available through a DuckDuckGo search, YouTube and

Fallen Angels by CK Quarterman
Uploaded by ckquarterman on Oct 12, 2011

Everything came to an abrupt end one evening while walking, and a chance encounter. From this evening on, he has worked solely for the purpose that he might expose the darkness, which soon will overtake the earth.

The fallen angels are excited about their labor over the eons. Their labor they feel is just about to pay off!

Published on Jun 16, 2012
CK Quarterman:
Omega Hour Archives:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Devil Is Busy In Our World Today!


Indians signing life away for biometric ID cards (22Dec11)

The people of India are signing their own death warrants as they agree to sign up to their governments ID card system, claiming it will help cut fraud for benefit payments. The real reason is to help the New World Order with population control and access to money, so the 1% can steal it al. For a supposed poor country which the UK shovs billions to, India has lots of other people's money to waste.

It's worth remembering that this is the EXACT same system that the crooked New Labour government tried to force on the British people, to comply with New Labour's NWO agenda.

 Recorded from Sky News, 22 December 2011.

India’s Biometric ID Card in the News
The global control grid is progressing.